Books are vital resources on the path to becoming who you are meant to be.
As long as you are reading the right ones.
My Current Library
Alexander To Actium: The Historical Evolution of The Hellenistic Age - Green
Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations: From Prehistory to 640 CE - Mathisen
Medieval & Early Renaissance Medicine - Siraisi
The Secrets of Alchemy - Principe
The Art and Architecture of The Ancient Orient - Frankfort
Readings In Ancient History: Thought & Experience from Gilgamesh to St. Augustine - Bailkey
The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest - Austin
The Dwellers On The Nile - Budge
History of The Peloponnesian War - Thucydides
The Histories - Herodotus
The Life of Alexander The Great - Folio Society
The Iliad & The Odyssey - Homer
The Aeneid - Virgil
Mythology - Wilkinson
Mythology - Hamilton
Sophocles The Complete Plays - Roche
The Essential Homer - Lombardo
Greek Lyric - Miller
Philoctetes - Sophocles
Greek Tragedies I - Grene & Lattimore
Plato On Love - Reeve
On Justice, Power, and Human Nature - Thucydides
Frogs and Other Plays - Aristophanes
The Early History of Rome - Livy
Medieval Romances - Loomis
King Arthur - Goodrich
Merlin - Goodrich
The Travels - Marco Polo
Beowulf - Heaney
Gilgamesh - Ferry
The Russian Revolution - McMeekin
The Gulag Archipelago - Solzhenitsyn
The Nuremberg Trials - Roland
Tyrants - Cawthorne
Ordinary Men - Browning
Guns, Germs, and Steel - Diamond
China: A History - Keay
Secrets of The Samurai - Westbrook
Mao: The Unknown Story - Chang
Empire of The Summer Moon - Gwynne
World War I - Marshall
Mein Kampf - Hitler
Independence - Ferling
Patriots - Langguth
Mayflower - Philbrick
Normandy 44 - Quellien
The Beginnings of Western Science - Lindberg
The 9/11 Commission - May
The Triangle Fire - Stein
The Last Mass Lynching In The United States - Wexler
Watergate - Olson
These United States - Gilmore
Taking Sides - Mitchell
Great Dialogues of Plato - Rouse
Republic - Plato
The Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
Introduction To Aristotle - McKeon
The Prince - Machiavelli
The Prince & Other Writings - Machiavelli
Plato, Epictetus, & Marcus Aurelius - Harvard Library
Plutarch - Harvard Library
The Inferno - Dante
The Purgatorio - Dante
The Paradiso - Dante
Philosophical Writings of Peirce - Peirce
The Philosophy of Nietzsche - Clive
Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzsche
Nietzsche Volumes 1 & 2 - Heidegger
Utopia - Moore
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Utilitarianism - Mill
Up From Slavery - Washington
Paradise Lost - Milton
Candide- Voltaire
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
A Brief History of Thought - Ferry
Critique of Pure Reason - Kant
Zen & The Art Of Happiness - Prentiss
Living Fiercely - Yogananda
Business & Finance
The Innovator's Solution - Raynor
Discrimination & Disparities - Sowell
Basic Economics - Sowell
Stock Market 101 - Cagan
The Great Leveler - Schiedel
Real Estate Titans - Cohen
The Alchemist - Coelho
Talk Like Ted - Gallo
As A Man Thinketh - Allen
Sovereignty - Michler
Wild At Heart - Eldredge
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance - Pirsig
Extreme Ownership - Willink
12 Rules for Life - Peterson
Beyond Order - Peterson
Cant Hurt Me - Goggins
Quiet - Cain
Soar - T.D. Jakes
Smarter Faster Better - Duhigg
21 Lessons For The 21st Century
You Can Manage Your Time Better - MacDonald
Traveling Light - Lucado
The Pathwork of Self-Transformation - Pierrakos
Political Thought & Current Events
The Right Side of History - Shapiro
How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps - Shapiro
United States of Socialism - D’Souza
White Fragility - DiAngelo
On Tyranny - Snyder
The Birth of a Republic, 1763-89 - Morgan
The Ideological Origins of The American Revolution - Bailyn
The Federalist Papers - Kesler
The Radicalism of The American Revolution - Wood
The Boy Crisis - Farrell
The War Against Boys - Sommers
Blackout - Owens
The Parasitic Mind - Saad
Marx’s Das Kapital For beginners - Wayne
The Communist Manifesto - Marx
The End of Gender - Soh
Cynical Theories - Pluckrose
The Green New Deal - Rifkin
Relativity - Einstein
The Origin of Species - Darwin
Astrophysics For People In A Hurry - Tyson
Anatomy - Grey
Dictionary of Theories - Bothamley
The Demon Haunted World - Sagan
Breath - Nestor
How Everything Works - Bloomfield
MCAT Study - Kaplan
The Human Body - Brook
Human Anatomy & Physiology - Marich
Chemistry & Life - Hill
Chemistry: The Central Science - Brown
Clinical Psychology - Unknown
The Intention Experiment - Lynne
The Biology of Belief - Lipton
The Shallows - Carr
Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual - Marieb
Chemistry Carbonless Notebook - Bluedoor
Nutrition For A Changing World - Pope
Anatomy - Clemente
General Literature
War and Peace - Tolstoy
Notes From The Underground - Dostoevsky
One Day In The Life In Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn
Don Quixote - Cervantes
Readers Digest 1995 & 1999 - Readers Digest Condensed Books
Atlas Shrugged - Rand
Animal Farm - Orwell
Enlightenment Now - Pinker
The Better Angels Of Our Nature - Pinker
The Coddling of The American Mind - Lukianoff
The Righteous Mind - Haidt
Be Water My Friend - Lee
The Complete Father Brown Stories - Chesterton
Les Miserable - Hugo
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Hugo
The Count Of Monte Cristo - Dumas
Wuthering Heights - Bronte
A Tale Of Two Cities - Dickens
David Copperfield - Dickens
The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
Green Hills Of Africa - Hemingway
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Hemingway
The Old Man & The Sea - Hemingway
Catcher In The Rye - Salinger
Israel Potter - Melville
Moby Dick - Mellville
Typhee - Mellville
Robert Frost’s Poems - Frost
The 47 Ronin Story - Allyn
The Last Of The Mohicans - Cooper
Lord Jim - Conrad
Nostromo - Conrad
Treasure Island - Stevenson
Mansfield Park - Austen
Northanger Abbey - Austen
The Three Musketeers - Dumas
War of The Worlds - Wells
God Calling - Russell
The Godfather - Puzo
The Invisible Man - Wells
The Lonely - Gallico
Thackeray - Esmond
The Guns of August - Tuchman
Jock of The Bushveld - Fitzpatrick
Murder On The Orient Express - Christie
The Essential Tales and Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe - Poe
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Twain
Frankenstein - Shelley
The House of Seven Gables - Hawthorne
Jude The Obscure - Hardy
The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
Life of Pi - Martel
Madame Bovary’s Ovaries - Barash
Ready Player One - Cline
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind - Kamkwamba
Long Walk To Freedom - Mandela
Leonardo Davinci - Isaacson
Steve Jobs - Isaacson
William Shakespeare: The Complete Plays - Shakespeare
Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Les Travailleurs De La Mer I & II - Hugo
Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil - Berenot
The Flying Tigers - Toland
Swahili - Spoken World
Associated Architects - Meissl
Drawing & Painting - Martin
Thrive Fitness - Brazier
Dorm Room Feng Shui - Olaksen
Fork Over Knives - Stone
The American Pitbull Terrier - Gallagher
South African Cooking In The USA - Farquharson
The Complete South African Cookbook - Van Wyk
Dawn To Dark - National Geographic
Historic Preservation - Tyler
Built For Change: Neighborhood Architecture In San Francisco - Moudon
Happy City - Montgomery
Eyes On The Street - Kanigel
Places For The People - Klineberg
Triumph Of The City - Glaeser
Metropolis - Wilson
Place Makers - Herb
Engineering The City - Levy
Urban Planning and The Pursuit of Happiness - Bartetzky
Making Healthy Places - Dannenberg
The Well Tempered City - Rose
The New Better Off - Martin
How Architecture Works - Rybczynski
Understanding Architecture - Bridge
Guide Michelin 1900 - Michelin
Afrikaans Dictionary - Unknown
Srimad Bhagavatam - Prabhupada
The Science of Self-Realization - Prabhupada
Bhagavad Gita - Prabhupada
The Qur’An - Ali
How To Love - Livingston
Be Happy - Lindsay
Diana F+ Guide - Unknown
The Basics of Public Budgeting and Financial Management - Menifield
Public Personnel Management - Riccucci
Personnel Management In Government - Naff
Strategic Planning - Bryson
GRE Prep - Kaplan